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Game Description

This game was created to demonstrate the kinds of projects students can build in CS 300 at Brigham Young University–Hawaii.

Outfox is a two-player board game that looks like checkers, but with completely different rules. Each player tries to move his/her tokens into the 3x3 "home zone" in the corners of the board. Tokens can only move horizontally or vertically, and must continue until they hit an obstacle. Each player has one "super token" that can also move diagonally and can stop before an obstacle. Once a token reaches its "home zone" it cannot leave, although it can move around within the zone. Tokens also may not enter the opposing team's home zone.


As a boy, I used to play Outwit, a board game from Parker Brothers. When my mother passed away in 2017, I inherited our family's copy of Outwit. Since the game is currently out of print, I decided to implement a version that runs on mobile devices. The rules are exactly the same as the original board game. I call my new version Outfox.


Reporting bugs or requesting features

Please send all feedback to Geoff Draper, gmd2 (at) byuh (dot) edu.

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