Click the drawing above to download a high-resolution (6215x3883) version.

When I was in graduate school at the University of Utah, I had an idea for a Christmas-themed drawing of Joseph holding baby Jesus while Mary takes a nap next to him. I knew I wanted to draw it and submit it to the 8th International Church Art Competition. But I was too busy as a grad student, so I let it pass by. Three years later, the contest happened again, but as a new professor, I again felt I was too busy. Finally, in 2014, I resolved to make time to draw it and submit it in time for the 10th contest. So I did. Below is the artistic statement I wrote for the submission.

When we hear the phrase Beloved Son we naturally think of the sacred relationship between God the Father and our Savior Jesus Christ. In this drawing, I examine other beloved relationships within the holy family, with a special focus on Joseph.

I drew this illustration with pen and paper, then scanned it and edited it in GIMP. My wife did the lion's share of coloring and editing. It was a fun project for us to work on together. Alas, it did not win the contest, so rather than let it wallow indefinitely on my computer's hard drive, I decided to post it on my website. Feel free to download/share it without restriction.

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