If I was put to the question, "Which cartoon of mine is my favorite?" I think this little number would be a strong candidate.
Scott Moore and I served together in the office of the France Bordeaux Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between October 1996 and March 1997. Scott was the financial secretary of the mission, while I was the "regular" secretary.
He is an amazing person. Before his mission, Scott worked as a short-order cook and as a jazz musician.
Whenever we needed food in a hurry, he would take whatever ingredients we had on the shelf and whip up something miraculous.
On occasion, he would play us some blues on the guitar and sing songs of his own composition.
Although he had almost no clerical experience before his mission, he adapted to the assignment of financial secretary with surprising ease.
After our time in the office had come to an end, we were both transferred to the far southwest of France, near the Pyranees mountains:
I in Pau, and he in Bayonne. I drew this comic strip just a few weeks before I returned to America, and I gave it to Scott as a token of my high esteem for him.
Unimportant trivia: A rare alternate version of this comic also exists. Being the lazy (or efficient?) person that I am, I made a copy of this comic with all the text blanked out, and with a picture of the Star Child (from 2001: A Space Odyssey) in the place of Scott. I then used it as a worksheet for students of my English language classes that I taught while in France. Their assignment, naturally, was to fill in the speech bubbles with English dialog.
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